Discover the shul that’s right for you and you’ll find a lifelong family.
There are multiple shuls within the Providence eruv, no matter where you live or when you like to daven. With various minyan times and vibes to suit everyone’s needs, beautiful services on Shabbos and Yom Tov, and various learning programs and social events, we are here to enhance your Jewish life.
Rabbi Eliezer Marcus, Rav |
Menasheh Lewin, President |
Sha'arei Tefilla 450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906
Rabbi Yudkowsky, Rav
Rabbi Bielory, President | | 347-968-7368
203 Summit Avenue Providence RI 02906
David Pliskin, President
671 East Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer, Rav
Rebbeztin Michla Laufer | michla48@gmail | (401)273-7238
362 Hope St, Providence, RI 02906
Rabbi Barry Dolinger
Co-Presidents Jess Larko and Marvin Stark |
401 Elmgrove Ave, Providence, RI 02906